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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Would you change your hair because of a friend?

A friend of mine is planning on getting engaged soon and shared some of her bridesmaid requirements. One of which is that none of the ladies may wear a hair weave and if they do they must remove it for the wedding.
I took offense to the " requirement" and I feel she is going overboard..Pre-Bridezilla style ! 

FYI: Her hair is natural but she wears it straight and my is natural and I wear extensions,

Have you experienced this kind of foolishness ? Do you agree with this requirement? 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Commitment Phobe?

         When I look at this picture I see a woman  happily running away from her groom to be!

The phrase "Commitment Phobe" is most often synonymous with men- that lack the desire to be in a monogamous relationship. I am not saying that all men have a commitment phobia. However, I must admit that I often sympathize with men and women that are not in a rush to get married. SUre, I imagine shopping for that perfect wedding gown and "Saying Yes to the Dress".  But when I really, really, ponder over spending forever with Mr. Right.. I panic.

I start finding any reason to breakup with the guy, like him being nice to people turns into him being a pushover. Or he dances weird and how embarrassing it would be to dance with him at our wedding.

No seriously, I think my commitment woes stem from unresolved hurt in a previous relationship. Ever since that relationship I have noticed a trend of being emotionally unavailable in relationships. I have an emotional wall protecting my heart from pain.

I know this all sounds cliche...but what are signs that someone has a wall? 
Everyone says to "Let your guard down" but what are the steps??
Have you ever been with someone that was emotionally unavailable?